I really don't like how long it's been since I last wrote/updated. But it seems since school has been out life has become so much more hectic. I mean that in a good way, but boy is it hard finding ways to entertain a 2 yr old AND an 8 yr old. Especially when you can't drive. Were pretty much stuck at home. And on rainy days (we've had quite a few lately ) we all start to get "cabin fever." But I am so incredibly thankful to finally be getting most of my energy back and starting to feel somewhat "normal" again.
I'm excited to say that I'm no longer taking my steroid that had all the nasty side effects. Yay! Although they stated me on another. I guess when you take a steroid for a lengthy amount of time (mine was about 2 yrs) your adrenal system basically shuts down. Mine has had a hard time starting again on its own. So this new steroid is giving it at boost to start working again and keeping me from feeling like poo until it does. Thank you God the side effects are less and much more tolerable. I've lost about 17 pounds and have been able to know what it feels like to be cold again!! (The steroids made me feel hot ALL the time. My skin would feel so cold but I would be sweating and just couldn't cool off. Drove me crazy!)
I've been trying not to be too hard on myself, but I really can't wait to get my "usual" energy back. I know it will get there. I'm just not very patient in waiting!! Ha!
This week I go to see my neuro-optometrist. I'm excited to go. I'm praying and trusting in God that he will have a recommendation to help me be able to see well again. Yes, my long term goal is to drive (and I WILL!!) but it would be nice to just be able to walk and navigate normally again. Right now I have to stop at curbs or steps and really go slow because I can't focus in on them. It's kind of embarrassing but I either have to follow directly behind someone or hold their hand when walking through a crowd or tight space. I may not be able to do it alone now either.....But I will!
I saw my radiation doctor this past week for a follow up. It had been 16 months!! Thank you God! He was very pleased with how things are going. He told me that he really didn't need to see me again, but he would like to keep up with how I'm doing, so he asked if it was ok with me to come back in November. I agreed and can't wait to give him more amazing news and tell him about the ways God continues to bless us.
We go back to Duke next month for another MRI and visit with my Neuro-oncologist. I still believe God is going to prove her wrong and show no evidence of new growth, even though we did change my chemo. This is my story, not anyone else's and God is the author...He's totally got this and I'm trusting in Him, not in what has happened in other peoples stories. I appreciate the research and trials that they do very, VERY much. But I know without a doubt that God is bigger than any of that! He is the one who can do "immeasurably more" and my hope is in HIM!! He's totally got this!
"fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2
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